Services By Women, For Women
Domestic Abuse
Our office locations & opening times
We work without judgement.
We offer personalised, compassionate support, ensuring our services are free of charge, inclusive, safe and accessible.
We help all women in the Arun and Chichester Districts with trauma-informed services that empower them to achieve a brighter, more secure future.
We are a Women’s Centre
We are a community-based organisation that provides support, resources, and services specifically tailored to the needs of women.
Our aim is to empower women, promote equality, and address challenges such as domestic abuse, poverty, mental health, and employment barriers.
Make a Donation
Make a Donation *
could ensure a woman experiencing abuse is given ongoing support by our expert caseworkers.
could enable us to have 5 life-changing conversations with survivors.
could help run our peer-to-peer workshops for a day.

“I was in the gutter and with your guidance and support I have turned my life around!”
— My Sisters’ House client