Double Your Impact and Change Lives: My Sisters’ House Joins the Big Give Campaign!

Donate NOW & Change Lives

As the days grow colder and we prepare for the festive season, My Sisters' House Women’s Centre in Bognor Regis and Chichester is gearing up to support more women in need than ever before. But this year, you have the power to help us make an even greater impact – at no extra cost to you!

From October 10 to October 17, My Sisters’ House is thrilled to participate in the Big Give's Women and Girls Match Fund Campaign. What does this mean? For every donation you make during this week, it will be doubled, helping us raise an incredible £20,000 to support women facing domestic abuse, housing insecurity, and financial difficulties. Imagine the lives you can touch by simply giving what you can – and having that donation instantly doubled!

Why Now? Why My Sisters' House?

Winter is especially challenging for women experiencing domestic abuse or struggling with financial hardship. The services offered by My Sisters' House provide a lifeline to over 2,000 women annually in the Arun and Chichester areas. From emotional and financial support to housing advocacy and employability programmes, our team is here to help women thrive, not just survive.

A Unique Opportunity: Double Your Donation!

During the Big Give campaign, every pound you donate will be matched, meaning your contribution goes twice as far. Whether you’re donating £10, £50, or more, the impact you make will be doubled. Every donation will help fund vital services like counseling, financial assistance, domestic abuse support, and so much more.

Here’s what one woman had to say about the support she received:

“I finally left my abusive relationship thanks to the support of My Sisters' House. They helped me emotionally recover, sort out my finances, and get out of debt. They were always there whenever I needed someone to talk to.”
– Client, Thrive Employability and Wellbeing Programme

This is just one story among thousands of women whose lives have been transformed by the essential services we provide. And you can be a part of that transformation.

How to Get Involved:

The Big Give campaign runs from 12:00 noon on October 10 until 12:00 noon on October 17. Just head to our Big Give campaign page here and make a donation. It’s that simple!

Donate now & Change Lives

We’re Counting on You!

We’ve set an ambitious goal to raise £20,000 during this campaign, and with your support, we know we can reach it. Every donation, no matter the size, brings us one step closer to helping women in our community live safer, healthier, and more empowered lives.

As Avril Robinson, Acting CEO of My Sisters’ House, puts it:

“The Big Give’s Women and Girls Match Fund is an incredible opportunity. Every donation we receive will be matched, helping us raise even more to support women in need. We believe our generous community will help us meet our goal of £20,000.”

Why It Matters:

My Sisters' House isn’t just a charity – it’s a safe space. It’s a place where women can come to get support in rebuilding their lives after trauma, regain their confidence, and find the tools they need to succeed. By donating, you’re not just giving money – you’re giving hope, safety, and a fresh start to women who need it the most.

So, as the holidays approach, take a moment to reflect on how your generosity can change a life. Visit, make your donation, and help us make this winter a little warmer for women in our community.

Let’s do this – together!

Donate NOW & Change Lives


Celebrating International Day of Charity 2024.