Double Your Impact &

Change Women’s Lives

Big Give’s Matching Campaign

10 - 17 Oct 24

Make An Impact!

Every £1 you donate between 10-17 Oct will be DOUBLED – turning £10 into £20 to support women in need!

Help us raise £20,000

This will fund FREE trauma-led services for over 2,000 women facing domestic abuse and financial hardship.

This week ONLY!

Your donation provides vital counselling, financial and housing advocacy – and this week, it goes twice as far!

The real stories…

Testimonials straight from the heart of our women's centre

1 in 4 women will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime.

Survivors face inconsistent support, with it being a postcode lottery of care.

Funding shortages and rising cost-of-living are straining domestic abuse services, leaving many women without critical support.

Source: Women’s Aid, the national domestic abuse charity.